How Account Intelligence Enhances Content Syndication Results 

Content syndication republishes your existing content across third-party websites, increasing your reach and building brand awareness. By combining the advantages of content marketing with data-driven strategies, content syndication delivers measurable benefits like generating quality leads and improving your content ROI. 

For all these reasons, content syndication is a proven marketing tactic — but it’s made even more powerful with account intelligence

Enhancing content syndication with account intelligence 

Account intelligence involves aggregating and verifying information about your prospects from multiple trusted sources. Demographics, firmographics, technographics, and intent data are layered together to enrich your existing CRM records and provide your marketing and sales team with valuable, actionable insights to help prioritize and personalize your outreach.  

By applying account intelligence to your content syndication campaigns, you can laser-focus on reaching the right prospects with the right messages at the right time — both during the development of your audience and targeting lists, and during the important, post-syndication nurturing stage. 

Before the lead: targeting the right audience 

The first step to building a successful content syndication campaign is zeroing in on the target audience. Account intelligence makes this process much more effective by arming marketers and strategists with deep, relevant information about prospects — from their job titles and purchasing power to their current tech stack to how they interact with different content types and subject matter.  

Here are a few examples of exactly how account intelligence can enhance content syndication planning and development.  

Create a prospect list and run a content campaign 

Traditionally, when you build a prospect list, you rely on broad demographic and firmographic data. Account intelligence goes beyond that basic data to delve deeper, providing unparalleled insights into the specific needs, behaviors, and preferences of prospective customers.  

For example, intent signals allow you to identify likely-to-buy prospects, such as those who have recently visited software review sites, downloaded comparison sheets, or viewed buying guides. Account intelligence also includes technographic data, so you can target accounts using complementary or competing software.  

By gathering and analyzing this kind of account intelligence, you can curate a prospect list that is accurate and highly targeted. That allows you to customize your content syndication campaign to be incredibly relevant, such as syndicating an ebook comparison guide for your software category to a list of prospects currently evaluating different solutions. Or, you can build a prospect list of your competitors’ customers with upcoming renewal dates — and syndicate a case study about a customer in their industry who switched from their solution to yours, with outstanding results.  

Visualize your total addressable market (TAM) 

Account intelligence tools make it possible to visualize and understand your total addressable market (TAM), which is incredibly useful when planning the most effective content syndication campaigns.  

Filtering views of prospects within your TAM lets you explore how many contacts you have the potential to reach with syndicated content.  

Run an account-based content syndication campaign 

If you’re among the 98% of marketers already using or planning to use an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy, then content syndication presents a highly effective opportunity to generate and nurture leads within your ideal customer accounts. And, by layering in account intelligence, it becomes possible to get incredibly granular with your ABM and content syndication outreach. 

For example, you can use intent signals to pinpoint the members of the buying committee who are most likely to engage with your content by determining who’s downloading similar assets or searching for related topics. Those individuals can be enrolled in a syndication campaign that delivers highly personalized content at just the right moment to accelerate the sales cycle.   

After the lead: nurturing more effectively 

Account intelligence continues to deliver value long after content syndication delivers shiny new leads to your CRM. While most content syndication leads require strategic nurturing before they’re ready for a sales conversation, account intelligence helps you swiftly move these new leads along their buying journey. 

Create nurture segments 

Even if you ran a broader content syndication campaign, you can segment your new leads for more effective, data-driven nurturing sequences. Segmenting by industry, company size, or job titles allow you to nurture your leads with more personalized content that will answer their questions, build your brand credibility, and speed up their journey down the funnel.  

Use intent signals 

Intent signals play a vital role in improving nurture programs. By collecting and monitoring data from your own website and communications, third-party partners, and account intelligence platforms like Klarity, you can stay informed about how prospects continue to engage with your content.  

For example, you can rely on behavior rather than time intervals to determine what the next best piece of content will be to deliver to a lead. If they click on an email link about a specific topic, you can engage them with a related article in your next message — rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach to content that doesn’t change based on behavior.  

Similarly, you can move leads further down the funnel more quickly based on their content engagement. If Lead A doesn’t click on your article about pricing guides, they’ll continue to receive top-of-funnel level content. But if Lead B engages with your pricing guide, they’ll receive more solution-specific content and offers based on their indicated level of interest.  

Deploy technographic data 

Technographic data is a powerful component of account intelligence that you can use to customize and personalize your post-syndication nurture campaigns. As we’ve discussed previously, you can build a sequence specific to the pain points of leads who are using a competitor product. Or, you can highlight deep integrations between your solution and a complementary tool you know they’re already using.  

Some account intelligence platforms even provide timeline data, indicating which leads are approaching renewal dates for certain solutions. This can be invaluable information you can use to time campaign messages or prioritize leads who are likely to be open to a new solution over ones who are in the midst of a long-term contract.  

Improve your content syndication performance with account intelligence 

Bottom line: the more you know about your prospects, the better you can personalize your messages and content. That’s useful when planning a syndication campaign, and when prioritizing follow-up with a new roster of high-quality leads.  

Ready to supercharge your content syndication? Learn more about Klarity, the account intelligence solution that helps laser-focus your syndication campaigns to reach and nurture the leads that matter most.